The Journalism Field Is Ever-Changing. Zack Flanagan Keeps Ahead of It.

Journalism is such a vast field. There are countless different career paths one can go down. Someone can graduate from college with a journalism degree and think there are going to be a news director, the one calling the shots, but can take a detour and end up in digital marketing.

In today’s world, everything is quickly becoming digital. Newspapers are fading out and going online, and those that do stick it out are being bought up by big companies.

It’s essential for those that are graduating college in the journalism field to be able to adapt to the constant changes. Nothing in this field stays the same for long.

Photo Credit: Zack Flanagan LinkedIn Profile Photo

Zack Flanagan, who sleeps and breathes LinkedIn, believes if someone wants to succeed in this field, they must be able to try and try again.

Not every post will hit the mark. It may not be the content of the post that’s the problem. It might just be the timing of the actual post.

According to Hootsuite, the best time to post for LinkedIn is 7:45 a.m., 10:45 a.m., 12:45 p.m., and 5:45 p.m. EST on Monday and Wednesday for B2C and Wednesday for B2B brands. 

Each platform is different. Each platform has different days that are best to post and which times get the most interactions. It’s important to understand the makeup of each platform. For example, Facebook was created to connect family and friends together. There are cute videos of animals and heartfelt posts. Now, the posts that would go on Facebook would not go on LinkedIn for the most part. LinkedIn is meant to connect professionals together. It’s a professional networking platform.

With digital marketing, it’s important for those graduating college to learn on their own time.

Flanagan suggests the best way to learn is by doing. Try to learn about each new platform. Send a post out at different times and see which post gets the most interactions. It’s trial and error.

Another helpful tip is to watch what others are doing.

Flanagan finds inspiration and motivation from those within his network and beyond. He’s constantly learning and improving.

You can watch Flanagan grow as he’s taken up learning a new platform, TikTok. He’s only just started, and he’s climbing with 164 followers.

You can stay connected with Zack Flanagan on the following social media platforms:

YouTube: The Zack Flanagan Show

LinkedIn: Zack Flanagan

TikTok: @thebusinessboyTik
