Don’t Be Hard on Yourself

This past summer, I was recommended to apply for an internship that I’ve previously applied for months before. A part of myself didn’t want to go through the process of filling out another application and submitting a resume with a cover letter just to get rejected again. 

Who likes getting rejected? No one, especially not for a second time. 

After some convincing, I decided to go through with it.

But I was lucky. I had a peer that offered their time and advice. She sat down with me a few hours before the interview, in a little coffee shop and we did a trial interview.   

Its been many months later and I will not forget the advice she gave me.

  1. Don’t make direct eye contact. Look from their forehead to their left eyebrow, to their nose, to their right eyebrow. You keep doing this every couple of seconds. It gives off the illusion that you’re maintaining perfect eye contact without staring into someone’s soul. 
  2. Interviewers are humans too. Treat the interview like a conversation. 
  3. Before entering an interview, stand in a superman pose. This is when your hands are on your hips, and your chest is puffed out. Hold it for 30 seconds, and you’ll feel more confident.
  4. Always have something to say that’s not on your resume. Preferably, something that you and the interviewer have in common. 

And no, I didn’t get that internship, but I still walked away with everlasting advice.