Advantages and Disadvantages
Tomorrows Yesterday Podcast EPisode One: Advantages and Disadvantages Guest: Nolan
Certain Paths Look Uncertain to Others
April 26, 2023 8:06 AM College is coming to a close with just two and a half weeks left before summer break. Except this time around, for me personally, I won’t be going back to school in the fall because I will be graduating. As mildly terrifying of a thought this is, I am relatively…
Maybe Just Maybe, You’ll Find Peace in that.
April 25th, 2023 3:34 PM The Disney Dog Walk hosted by the Hail! Fredonia student record label on Saturday April 29th, will finally take place and I will be able to breathe once more. I remember stating something along the lines of “keeping busy helps you keep control of your life” and I’ve come to…
If You’re Reading this, I was Victorious!
April 17th, 2023 2:49 PM Receiving word of major assignments due within the week was not exactly how I planned panicking on this fine Monday… However, if you’re reading this, I was victorious! Sometimes the best way to look at impending doom is to reinforce the idea that, no matter the outcome, whatever you’re facing…
Safe and Stagnant Standstill
April 17th, 2023 10:35 AM College is a funny thing. It is the only institution in the world where you can spend your time bettering yourself and preparing for the unforgiving pace of the real world; and on the same day, act more childish than a middle schooler. One of the first classes I took…
Snowballing into and Avalanche
April 11th, 2023 8:46 AM Have you ever gotten sick and it just shut down your whole week? You wake up one morning completely fine and then the next day you feel like a dirty & soaked sponge unable to perform the most basic of functions. As you can probably imagine I was sick this…
Moving Forward Will Be Bittersweet
April 3th, 2023 8:12PM As of yesterday, the short film Stuck on Serenity was finally wrapped up in terms of shooting. The shots that we got were nothing short of magnificent and I can honestly say it looks like a genuine film. I am thrilled to have gotten the opportunity to participate and create this…
Change is Inevitable
April 1st, 2023 3:06 PM Stuck on Serenity weekend number two is officially underway. Now that Conor, Seb, along with the rest of the cast & I have an idea of what we’re getting into; we should be more prepared to race against the clock. Tonight we’re shooting the basketball scene at Saint Mary’s High…
What Normal People Might Feel Like
March 26th, 2023 9:54 AM What Normal People Might Feel Like First day of shooting is done and it was a great success! Despite getting a little bit of a late start, everything went rather flawless. We filmed at Saint Mary’s High School in Lancaster all the way from 11 PM to 3:30 AM. The …
Stuck on Serenity
March 18, 2023 4:44 PM The unrelenting train of reality hit me with a force I didn’t know was reachable upon the return of spring break. Although many things were accomplished, I was still left with a feeling of unfulfillment. “How could one week feel like the blink of an eye?” I disappointedly asked myself…