3 Places to Find Internships


Handshake is the first platform I used to find internships. I also used it to look up random job positions in various areas in the country. It was a useful tool for what I needed.

Handshake is a platform that, with a simple key term search, several positions reveal themselves to the searcher. It does help to put in the desired location and use some filters to narrow down the options.

Not many students I know personally use Handshake. I believe it’s a platform that is fairy overlooked. That may be due to some universities’ lack of promotion of the platform since students use their school login to gain access to Handshake. If more schools made it known that students had this resource, I’m sure it would skyrocket.


LinkedIn is a platform that I use on a daily bases. I don’t post as much as should on there, but I do keep up with my network that I have created over the months. To someone that has never used or heard of LinkedIn before, it’s like Facebook but for professionals. I’ve written several blog posts on LinkedIn if you need a refresher.

In the beginning, I used the platform to seek internship opportunities, but as time went on, it’s now being used as a tool in my job search. Often I’ll look up certain positions just to read the requirements to make sure I’m keeping up to date with what companies are looking for.

Career Section

The good old career section. This is an option that I believe 90% of internship seekers fail to use. They forget that companies still post job and internship openings on their websites. All it takes is a simple glance at their menu bar to find the section that you need. It’s easy and will save you so much time. Do it now. Google your favorite company, and see what their openings are. You might be surprised by what you may find.