February 25th, 2023 7:44 PM
Hello my manic friends! How was your day? Was it as good as you hoped? Did you get a lot accomplished? Sometimes rest can be the best accomplishment (after you’ve earned it of course).
The overthinker has such a fantastic mind that it fosters predetermined emotions. I’ve come to discover that the more personal quests you’ve completed throughout the day will keep those predetermined emotions at bay.
Daily attitude and accomplishments run parallel to each other and as straightforward of a concept as that sounds; it’s important that those with ADHD take it into consideration before they have an identity crisis. The typical overthinker will find extraordinary ways to make either themselves or the rest of the world into their supervillain for the day.
This illusion can be prevented by the good ol “action of thought” technique. Start your tedious list of trivial tasks before they tower over your motivation to start anything at all. A lot easier said than done, I know. Don’t worry, we’ll keep each other accountable. The next big thing I’m working on is consistency.
Let’s do it together!