Why Me?

Hello, and welcome to my little emo corner of the internet!

My name is Lauren Jenkins, and I am a student studying Music Industry, as well as a lover of all things alternative.

At the ripe old age of 12, my first concert was the 2014 Monumentour with Paramore and Fall Out Boy. Safe to say that show changed a lot for me.

But why did music change it all? An age old question I’d love to answer.

That’s what I’m here to do: answer the questions swirling around alternative music past and present, with a heavy focus on how the world of alternative music got to where it is now.

So, music reviews and artist previews, right? Nothing special.

Sure, we’ll feature those things, as I couldn’t resist but share my little opinion about everything emo. But I want to bring one more thing to the table: analysis.

Why are so many pop punk stars coming down with Rock Star Syndrome?

Why does the punk/emo scene not feature more women and people of color?

Why, why, why did Panic! at the Disco die, after all this time?????

I’m searching for the answer to all these questions, and more, to show the world of alternative music has grown into something entirely modern, something that reflects the issues plaguing seemingly every other aspect of our lives.

Please don’t get me wrong, I’m not here to ruin your favorite bands and music for you because it’s not politically correct.

Rather, I want to showcase the deeply intertwined relationship between the socio-political status of our world and alternative music.

Because us kids are definitely not alright, no matter how old we are now. Yes, elder emos and scene-ior citizens, this is for you too!

Music truly is our escape in the alternative scene, but perhaps our music is not so divorced from the world we so desperately want to run from.

However, there is beauty in seeing our messed up world from the lens of music rather than staring at the news all day long, so there is no shame in “running” here.