Creating a Portfolio

Let me guess; you are a senior, hopefully, a junior, scrambling to create a portfolio.

You have all this work and no idea where to put it to show future employers.

Or maybe you saw an internship posting, and they require an online portfolio. The application deadline is tomorrow.

You need something simple and easy.

My suggestion for a beginner would be to use Wix.

It’s a simple platform. Sure, it can be annoying at times, but its simple enough to get the job done.

In my Mass Media course in my sophomore year at my community college, the students had to make a website based on whatever they wanted. At that time, I was getting into NF, so I created a music website. It’s still up. Looking back on the website now is not the greatest, but it got the job done. I even got an A on the assignment.

If you have more than a few hours to dedicate to creating a portfolio, I suggest using WordPress. Before creating this blog site, I have never used WordPress. It certainly is different than Wix. But It does look more professional. Plus, having a portfolio on WordPress shows that you understand WordPress for the most part and can use that as a skill.

If you are feeling adventurous, my professor swears by Contently. Personally, I have never used it. I don’t like how it looks. To me, it’s not appealing to the eye whatsoever.

Some of my peers have used Weebly. Again, I’ve never used it, but it does look very similar to Wix.

Link to my portfolio on Wix: Click