Judra & pita

With the cold weather approaching us in WNY, I could not help but make my number one comfort dish. Judra. Traditionally referred to as Mujadara, Judra is my kitchen’s winter and fall staple.

Judra is stewed lentils and rice with caramelized onion. This dish can be made thick or soupy.

It will thicken over time so make sure not to make it with too little liquid.

Serve with pita as a main dish or on the side with some grilled fish and veggies.

More liquid may need to be added as it cooks, keep an eye on it as your stir to make sure nothing is burning or sticking to the bottom.

I LOVE to add cinnamon to my Lebanese Judra, but the rest of my family cannot stand it. Cinnamon is a prevalent spice used in cooking throughout the Levant, my family just chooses to omit it. A family friend that I grew up cooking with always uses it, even on plain white rice.

Cinnamon in America is usually associated with sweets. Have you ever tried cinnamon in a savory dish?

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  1. Try cinnamon in chili!
    It’s actually one of the trademarks of Cincinnati-style chili.

    1. Good to know! I’ll have to try it out.

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