
The holidays are here and that calls for Mammool (Ma’amoul).

As a holiday tradition in our family, making mammool is something that I have done every year since I was little.

Mammool are simple butter cookies filled with a sweet mixture (usually nuts or dates), pressed into a decorative mold, and covered in powdered sugar once baked.

These cookies are incredibly quick easy to make, and not to mention delicious.

The thought of these cookies just reminds me of the smells that would waft through my Grandmother’s old kitchen during the holidays. The sweet, warm, nutty smell of the mammool baking with a fresh pot of coffee always brewing.

Growing up, all of my cousins and I wanted to be the ones smakcing the mammool out of their molds. We would fight over taking turns.

My grandmother ended up gifitng a few of us ones of our own. It lessened the fighting, but also meant we would actually have to participate in the full making of the cookies, not just the fun parts.

I still have my mold and bring it over every year.


Simple butter cookies filled with a sweet mixture,, pressed into a decorative mold, and covered in powdered sugar once baked


  • Wooden Mammool Mold



  • 5 lbs AP flour
  • 2 lbs Butter LOL brand
  • Nutmeg to taste


  • 1 lb Walnuts chopped
  • 1 cup Sugar
  • 1 tsp Rosewater or vanilla


  • Preheat oven to 400 °F
  • Leave the butter out to soften for mixing, but still cold
    2 lbs Butter
  • Combine dough ingredients (do not overmix)
  • Mix the walnuts, sugar, and rosewater (or vanilla) in a large bowl
  • Roll the dough into balls (about 2 tbsp) and flatten slightly with your hand
  • Place doughballs into the wooden mold. Press down, the dough creating a well for your filling, with ½ inch of excess ahnging off.
  • Fill the dough with about 1 tbsp of your mixture (The amount will depent on the size of your mold)
  • Close the cookies with the excess dough left on the outside of the mold
  • SMACK them out of the mold onto a kitchen towel
  • Bake at 400°F for 15 minutes
  • Sprinkle with sifted powdered sugar

If you try out our recipe, let us know how it turned out!

Have a recipe you want to see or question you want answered? Contact us here.


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