Hello! Nice to meet you!
My name is Kaitlyn. Here’s some quick facts about me:
- I’m 21.
- I study Media Management with Minors in English and History at SUNY Fredonia.
- After I graduate from SUNY Fredonia I plan to get my masters in Library Science.
- I’ve been a vegetarian since I was 12 and I’d love to be vegan some day.
- My big three are: Scorpio Sun, Aquarius Moon, Leo Rising.
- I am a HUGE One Direction fan.
- My favorite movie of all time is Fast 5.
- I am the eldest of 3 daughters in my family.
- I have three pets, my dog Ozzy and two cats Daisy and Lola.
- My favorite color is green.
- I’m part of the LGBTQIA+ community.
- My boyfriend and I just recently celebrated 1 year together (I linked a picture because we’re soooo cute).
- I am a woman.
- And I love being a woman, even with all its complications.
What is the point of this blog?
I want to educate men, women, and nonbinary people of all ages about feminism in a way that isn’t boring to read or hard to understand. Ultimately I want reading this blog to feel like you’re having a heart-to-heart with your friend. I will also include the following disclaimer: I can sometimes have a dry, sarcastic, tone which makes me sound angrier than I am, especially over text. The goal of my blog is never to make anyone upset. That being said I understand that my content is heavily opinionated so I am open to opinionated responses. While I’d love to be a stereotypically man-hating, bra-burning, feminist, there are men in my life like my boyfriend and friends that show me that there’s still a sliver of hope. I want to make people think critically about their actions, the actions of people around us, and societal structures in general. Hopefully I can also make you laugh, but for legal reasons I make no promises.
Why is this important to me?
TW: Mentions of sexual assault.
Feminism is one of my biggest passions in life, but it wasn’t always. Growing up my household never talked about politics. As I got access to the internet and started to understand different aspects of my personhood, individuality, morals, and sexuality, I became passively political.
The event that really threw me into politics was the 2016 presidential election. Being young and naïve I didn’t sweat the election at all. To me it seemed to be common sense that there was no way a man with countless sexual assault accusations, no background in politics, and a history of derogatory quotes could ever beat a woman with experience who doesn’t make offensive claims (not to say that Hillary Clinton doesn’t have skeletons in her closet next to all her pantsuits, this was my perspective as a 16 year old). From the day of the election onward I became hyperaware of my reality as a woman.
I saw male friends of mine repeat the “grab her by the p****” line as a joke.
I saw the way my father could “look past” Trump’s comments about women because he agreed with his tax plan.
I saw men that I looked up to claiming that the accusations against Trump must be fake because “why didn’t [the women] report what happened?”
As a young woman and a recent sexual assault survivor I was blown away. It was as if overnight my entire perception of the men in my life had changed. So I hit the ground running and dove into research. I started talking about my experiences to see if other women related (spoiler alert: they unfortunately almost always did), I read theory, took sociology classes, and got consumed by all my new knowledge of the world.
Through research and introspection I have curated my strong opinions and I hope if nothing else that this blog helps you, dear reader, understand another persons perspective.