Bringing Novels Back to life
A Girl’s Bookshelf
Sharing my passion for novels and exploring other genres outside of my comfort zone!
Last Read
“Meet Me at the Lake” by Carley Fortune felt like a rollercoaster of emotions. I loved the second-chance romance aspect, but the communication of the characters was beyond frustrating at times!

Current Read
I am almost finished with “The Seven Year Slip” by Ashley Poston, and I can’t get enough! The story is all about the timing of relationships, and there is an element of time travel which is a fun twist on usual romance books.

This Week’s TBR
- Abby Jimenez’s “Yours Truly”
- Emily Henry’s “Happy Place”
- Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”
I won’t read all of these in a week, of course, but a girl can dream!
Let’s Dive into Some Books!
Each week I will be talking about everything from my favorite characters to book to movie adaptations! There is something for everyone here.
Emily Henry: Ranking One of the Most Popular Romance Novelists of Today
Hi friends, happy Monday! I recently bought Emily Henry’s new novel, “Funny Story” from Barnes & Noble, and the book inspired me to rank all of her novels. I have seen several mixed reviews and rankings of her novels, so I thought I’d add my opinion to the mix and explain my choices! Emily Henry…
Classics like Little Women are Still Relevant in 2024
Hi everyone, happy Tuesday! I’ve been flying through books lately which has been great. Over the weekend, I shopped at my favorite (and most money-draining) store: Barnes & Noble. I walked in, turned to the right, and saw my newest prized possession. A gorgeous edition of the classic novel, Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott.…
Yours Truly Review: Can Romance Novels Actually be Funny?
Being an avid romance reader, I notice several aspects of the genre. Most of the time, the dialogue is either cheesy and makes some people cringe, or the humor within the interactions between the characters feels forced and unrealistic. However, Abby Jimenez’s novel, “Yours Truly,” really surprised me. This novel is about two emergency room…
Sylvia Plath’s “The Bell Jar:” Is it Worth the Read?
Hello everyone, I’m back on this fine Monday afternoon to talk about one of the saddest books I’ve read recently. I decided to take a break from all the love stories to read a book with a completely different tone and theme. I first heard of “The Bell Jar” from one of my childhood friends…
My Top 3 Romance Novel Tropes
Happy Monday! Today I’ll be talking about my all time favorite romance novel tropes! The English major in me is coming through on this topic because I love to analyze all things plot, character, patterns, and rhetorical choices. Since I’ve started reading the romance genre, I’ve noticed several of the stories following similar patterns. Some…
“Meet Me at the Lake”: A Second-Chance Romance
Happy Thursday! Today we’ve got a little bonus post. One of my good friends bought me two books for my birthday back in August (best gift ever), but they have been sitting on my shelf since then. I have a special talent for buying books when I have about a thousand to read already. My…
Are You Overlooking Your Local Bookstore?
Hi everyone, happy Monday! As promised, today I’ll be talking about my favorite place to buy cheaper books. The tiny town of Fredonia, New York, unfortunately does not have a Barnes & Noble or any other big bookstores. I buy most of my books from Walmart, but they are still around ten to twelve dollars…
5 of my Favorite Book to Movie/TV Adaptations
Hi everyone, This week, I want to focus on my favorite books turned into movies or television shows! I am not usually too big of a hater of book-to-movie adaptations like some people are. Some will fight tooth and nail for their favorite book that was “ruined” by the film industry, but I really don’t…
BookTok Made Me Buy It
Once you find yourself on the book obsessed side of TikTok, your money is going to start disappearing. Maybe not. You may have more self control than I do or you may not even pay attention to book recommendations on TikTok. However, we can’t deny that BookTok is super influential. There’s even a section at…
Female Book Characters I Want to be Friends With
Hi everyone, happy Monday! This week I am talking about female characters who I’d love to start friendships with! These are my top five favorite women in the books I’ve read: Annie Walker from the novel “Practice Makes Perfect” by Sarah Adams seemed like an angel on earth. Not only did she own a flower…