As you look at different types of chickens, you will most likely notice different things about each one. Unless the owner only has one breed of chicken.

There are hundreds of chicken breeds, all of them can be categorized into different groups depending on what they are bought for: egg layers, meat chickens, show chickens and Bantam chickens.

There are hens and roosters that are both domestic and wild. Chicken owners usually get Rhode Island Reds for a “beginner” chicken. This is because Rhode Island Reds are extremely easy to take care for and are very hardy, this is a classic for someone who will tend to make mistakes in the beginning when taking care of them.

For most chicken owners that know what they are doing, they may buy a few Reds, but they may venture to buy Silkie, Plymouth Rock, Leghorn or Polish Chickens. These breads are more difficult to deal with.

Below I have listed a variety of breads of chickens you could buy for yourself or for your farm:

  • Easter Egger
  • White Leghorn
  • Polish
  • Rhode Island Reds
  • Broiler
  • Silkie
  • Brahma
  • New Hampshire
  • Delaware
  • Black Australorp
  • Sussex
  • Plymouth Rock