Raising Ducks Vs Chickens

If you want a full supply of eggs, you must raise your own chickens and ducks.

Raising ducks is a bit different from raising chickens. Ducks tend to be a bit messier, especially if they are around a body of water. If you have a backyard, ducks would greatly appreciate it if they have a pond or some type of pool to throw themselves in.

Ducks having access to water keeps the risk of mites or lice to a bare minimum. Certain call ducks are prone to sinus infections, so dunking their bills and eyes in the water could prevent this from happening. Water is better for the ducks health overall.

As opposed to chickens scratching and pecking, ducks take an easier toll on your yard. Instead of going after your garden, they go for the squirmy bugs and crazy weeds.

Depending on the type of duck you are looking for, some lay eggs year round and others are seasonal. We use our duck eggs mostly for baking, they give our special treats more of a richer flavor (YUMMY!!).

Chicken Hens on the other hand lay an egg almost everyday or every other day for about 2 years. After the 2 year mark, the hens begin to lay more intermittently. My family keeps our chickens after the 2 year mark because they end up being a part of our family in some way or another. We have a few chickens who are around 5 or 6 years old!

Well, there it is. Ducks Vs Chickens information. Please give me feedback below on what you thought about this! Tell me your experience with trying duck eggs over chicken eggs and how they compare to one another.