My Story of BeatleMania

If you know me personally, you know that I absolutely love The Beatles. Like, love love. Like, had that “weird-obsession-in-middle-and-high-school” kind of love. I’m really not joking… SO, today, I figured I would tell you the rather interesting story of how my love of the four lads from Liverpool and then the 1960s began.

Let me take you back to the year 2010. I was 10 years old, working my way through the 5th grade. My little sister and I both had those old iPod Nanos, that when you shook them, they shuffled (*keep that in mind*). My dad was the one that put all of our music on our iPods with his old, silver laptop that he used for work.

I remember one night, my dad sitting at his laptop, asking me what music I wanted downloaded. He asked me if I wanted The Beatles to be downloaded, and I thought, “Eh, why not”, not really having a care. Little did I know, that would change everything (little dramatic, but it’s quite true). 

Flash forward one day, little Maddie comes home from school and I accidentally dropped my iPod which caused it to shuffle every. single. song that was in my music library. I looked down at my screen and “Octopus’ Garden” by The Beatles began playing, and it was love at first listen. 

I. Was . Hooked.

After that moment, I listened to the entire Abbey Road album, all day. On repeat. Forwards, backwards, you name it. I remember looking up “The Beatles” online to learn more about them and discover more of their music too. That’s when I even learned more about George Harrison and fell in love. He’s been my favorite Beatle since 10 years old, and now at 21, still remains my absolute favorite. (Ask my mom, lol!!)

So, that’s the story of how my love & obsession for The Beatles began all those years ago. The Beatles truly opened the door for other 1960s & 1970’s artists to enter into my world, and also help me pick up the guitar and start writing my own music. I forever am grateful, and will always be a Beatles fan.

Also – ENJOY these embarrassing throwback photos I dug up of me in the height of my “Beatles phase” & “flower crown Maddie phase” (this was for sure middle school…can you tell…)

Peace out ☮︎

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