Lindsay Tries A Kidnapping!

Lindsay Lohan is an international icon. This comes from her fame due to her acting as well as music and product lines that were known to many. This fame came from early years of acting and her debut breakout role in The Parent Trap.

Beginning in her teens and early twenties, Lindsay’s reputation went from a media darling praised for her talent to somebody who was ridiculed and mocked nonstop within the media.

The list of media takes about the star are endless. Whether it be addressing her arrests, media freakouts, arguments with paparazzi or alleged drug abuse, the media was constantly covering the star.

Many of these articles were considered gossip and not real news stories. Gossip about her slowly turned into concern as her actions began to show a pattern of unstable and risky behavior rumored about her at the time.

After her arrests for DUI and drug possession became a news media spectacle, her image as the it girl became an image of media harassment and constant news cycles using her name to bring clicks to their own news sites.

As life went on for Lindsay, many changes occurred in her life during this time. These changes include converting to Islam (though this has been confirmed and then denied by her and her publicist), moving to Dubai and starting a life with less paparazzi and more freedom from media spectacles.

This move shocked many fans as she was born and raised in the United States and seemingly has no connection to Dubai. This move brought many headlines in the United States questioning what she was doing over there and her motive for it all.

Then, things got even weirder for the star’s life.

Lindsay went live on her Instagram story to begin airing what was happening in her vicinity, and the content she began to air was concerning for viewers.

The livestream began with her walking down the street following a family of Syrian refugees trying to walk down the street. Lindsay begins asking them if they need help and offers to let the kids stay at her hotel room and watch a movie. The nervous mother began to become combative to fight off a random woman trying to talk to and take her children.

Lindsay continues to follow this random family down the street, yelling at them in combined English and Arabic languages. She begins to accuse the mother of not being hard enough working since she was unable to find a place for her children to sleep for the night.

Lindsay, a multi-millionaire since a child, yelling at a Syrian refugee mother that she isn’t working hard enough to support her family. Yeah… okay Lindsay.

The mother had enough of Lindsay following her, and she began to become argumentative to protect her children from this random woman. Lindsay begins to yell at them that they need to take her offer to be set up at the hotel that she is staying at.

Lindsay than tries to take the child from the mother. Yes, she tried to TAKE the child with her and away from the refugee mother trying to protect her children.

The mother was not having it and hit Lindsay multiple times to get her to let go.

Lindsay than began crying and yelling that the children were being trafficked, despite zero evidence given except her yelling it on live.

This brought renewed attention to the star, as she was out of the spotlight for a while when living in Dubai. This brought a new wave of accusations of drug abuse and mental illness for the star as she was accused by many viewing the live as trying to kidnap refugee children for thousands of viewers to see.

She was also criticized for airing the children and mothers faces on live without their permission, which brings danger and notoriety to a family just trying to survive as refugees to a new place.

Oh Lindsay!