March 6, 2025

Real Love or Fake Love? Pt2

As I discussed previously about friendships and bonds, my experiences with friends within my young adult life have put a lot of perspective on who I am as a person and who I let around me.

   I’ve heard many things like ‘Birds of a feather flock together” or “You are who your company is.”


Meaning subconsciously, the people you have around you are a reflection of yourself as well.

Not that this phrase bothered me, but it did make me understand it a bit more as I am starting to grow from many situations that aren’t serving me anymore and people I no longer align with. 




In terms of my current friendship status, I wouldn’t say that I’m entirely friendless, but I could say that my friend circle has shortened as the school year developed. I am okay with that reality.



I sure don’t hate those that I no longer confide in or hang out with, But I am also very happy that I no longer put myself around them forcefully. 


I would say as I begin to grow and develop assets and skills, and maybe even want to pursue my career/ talents in different aspects.



I’ll likely continue to lose friends or become distant with some along the way, which it’s okay.


Furthermore, I will always have to realize who is my friend and who is being genuine with me.



Those who are will understand me.



They will understand my eagerness to grow and change, they’ll clap for my success and achievements, and they’ll be very supportive no matter how close I am to them emotionally, physically, and spiritually.



The people who I thought were my friends began to be heavily obnoxious and envious to the point where I would be excluded from certain things, or I would be talked about in sarcastic and under-toned ways.


I even had subliminal messages thrown directly in my face…The list goes on. 


Granted, It was unfortunate, but I was thankful.


Thankful for the knowledge I gained from the experience before and experience now.


It made me see again; what it’s like when people mask themselves as your friend but don’t have your best interest at heart.


I have been through this experience before.


Way back in middle school, but I didn’t forget.




I just had different expectations for my adulthood friendships.



I now know that in this moment, I’m living no matter what path I’m on or the age.


There will be repeated situations not because I haven’t learned.


But because I can apply what I learned the first time and move according, so it doesn’t affect me as much.


I believe it is vital to change who you are, and also learn from the decisions people have made so you can be able to move through relationships smoothly.



Any relationship at that. 



I want everyone to take some idea from my experience.



I hope I am able to give thorough advice without really telling you what to do.


Comment below how you handle fake love from others in your circle or others in your life.




What are the factors that lead you to determine who is not for you and has your best interest at heart?


I hope you enjoy your day :).


