March 6, 2025

Interaction of the STARS- Zodiac Signs

    Interaction of the STARS (Zodiac Signs ), in this episode, Sam & Sangai break the hatch by talking about spirituality and zodiac signs when it comes to interacting with young adults/students in college.
  They both share their experiences and how astrology plays its role when it comes to social interactions and dating.
We sometimes as college students believe that using astrology can be a key factor for us as we go through the college experience.
College students may also not believe in astrology at all or may use it/ interpret it differently (2011).

Then, to focus on the spiritual sides of things. How astrology could be a huge influence on the people we meet and what energies might they give off, based on their sun sign?

Furthermore, we use it as a placeholder to build character for us and to help us figure out who we are. See (Cougar, 2020) for more information
When you first introduce yourself to someone in today’s environment, there is something vital to remember. What is a question you may ask?
Have you ever observed that when you introduce yourself to friends, they question you, “What is your sign?” and then decide if you two would benefit each other in terms of friendships or relationships?
Most of us have heard of folks wishing to wait until they get married before doing the “deed.” This is not to argue that your belief in it is incorrect.
Is this notion, however, destroyed once these students enter college? Who knows? 
Join us as we discuss the dating scene in college regarding religion, zodiac signs, and dating/relationships.


‘It gives me something to believe in’: Astrology’s impact on college students. (2020, August 24). The Cougar.
Sugarman, Hannah & Impey, Chris & Buxner, Sanlyn & Antonellis, Jessie. (2011). Astrology Beliefs among Undergraduate Students. Astronomy Education Review. 10. 10.3847/AER2010040.