Senior Year ♡

Hello everyone! It feels like a lifetime since I sat back down to write another post for this blog. In case you’re new, (or you forgot about this blog) my name is Jordanne (pronounced like Jordan)  and I am now a senior here at SUNY Fredonia! I am a Visual Arts and New Media student who is looking to become an Elementary Art Teacher. So, this requires me to go BACK to school…for the third time, but now to get my masters in Education. I figured now would be a great time to fill you guys in on my summer!

It seemed as though I came back to school after what felt like an extremely short summer. I went on vacation in June with my family and family friends to the beach, which was much needed after a long semester in Spring 2022. After vacation I started my summer job working in Special Education as a teacher’s aide. I was also in a musical that consumed a lot of my time during the summer. [For those of you who were wondering, we did “Hunchback of Notre Dame”]. For the months of July and August I would work from 8am to 2pm and then leave for rehearsal by 4pm and get back home by 10 or 11pm. Yes, my summer was EXTREMELY busy, but I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.

Now that I am back in Fredonia, I am taking a lot of studio courses to finish up my degree. However, I am also taking another Communications course! I am taking “Editing and Design” this semester, with the same professor that allowed me to create and keep this blog! In the course we will be creating a magazine! So what do we think? Should I make a Squishmallow magazine and upload its content onto the blog? Maybe I’ll make a poll on Instagram.

As always, I would love to see pictures of you and your Squishmallows! Use the hashtag #jmallows on Instagram. Make sure that you are following me on Instagram @jsquishmallows! Let me know in the comments what Squishmallow you would like to talk about next!

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