
My name is Isabella DiStefano, a senior journalism major and an English minor at SUNY Fredonia. At the start of my college education, I was the shy girl that was too afraid to put myself out there. I didn’t think anyone would care what I had to bring to the table. It was intimidating to speak to professionals in my field.

After some time, I realized that if I genuinely wanted to be in this field than I needed to act like it. If I expected to obtain a job in my field, then I needed to do what was necessary to make that happen.

For the past year, I have forced myself out of my comfort zone in the hopes that it would benefit my career. Ever since I made that decision, I have obtained four internships. I have attended the FUTURE NOW Media and Entertainment Conference in New York City. I have created many connections in my field, and I want to help share the info I have gained, and from others, I have interacted with.