Teen Wolf

I was in middle school when I watched my first episode of Teen Wolf.
My brother was watching it and I decided to join him.
I never expected this to be one of the first shows that I would truly be able to call myself a fan of.
That is how much I loved this show.
Teen Wolf is about the life of Scott McCall who is a highschooler in the town of Beacon Hills.

While searching for a dead body with his best friend, Stiles, Scott is bitten by an animal.
After witnessing his scar heal abnormally fast and gaining new abilities, Scott starts to believe he was bitten by werewolf.
Scott’s new identity is hard enough while simultaneously trying to balance school, relationships, and lacrosse.
Scott also begins to fall for a girl named Allison, who happens to come from a long line of werewolf hunters.

There is a movie based on the show coming out in January 2023.
Teen Wolf has 6 seasons with 12-24 episodes per season.
My Thoughts:
Teen Wolf was the first show that I fell in love with.

When I started watching with my brother, I joined in on season 3b.
This meant I had no idea what happened prior to that point, but I remained a true fan.
It became a weekly ritual for my brother and I to watch new episodes and critique them during commercial breaks.
We even made a rule that we were not allowed to speak during the episodes… It wasn’t a joke to us.

I have watched the show at least 10 times in its entirety.
For Christmas one year, I asked for all the seasons on DVD so I could watch them whenever I liked (this is before streaming by the way).
If you couldn’t tell already, I really loved this show.

The show has amazing storylines with some of the best supernatural creatures.
I am a huge fan of the supernatural, so Teen Wolf introduced me to amazing new creatures.
The animation and special effects look realistic to me (besides the first season) and that is something I find important within supernatural shows.

Even though I started watching the show late, I still developed a relationship with all of the characters.
Teen Wolf became a comfort show for me due to likability of the characters and the plot line.
My favorite villains without giving anything away are the Oni, the Darach, Gerald Argent and Deucalion and his Alpha pack.

There is plenty of drama and villains to keep you hooked and engaged. I will say seasons 2-4 are the best seasons.
Many people rave about season 3b, and I totally agree.
One of my favorite characters is the witty Stiles Stilinski.

Stiles has some of the best one-liners and he is sarcastic and upbeat. He is a loyal best friend to Scott, and he is always willing to fight for the people he loves.
He might be human, but he puts up a great fight.
Another honorable mention is iconic Lydia Martin.

Lydia is one of the best characters due to her impressive character development.
She starts off as shallow and vapid, yet she’s very intelligent. She later becomes compassionate and lively.
Lydia’s persona and abilities makes her a force to be reckoned with.
The Naiyah Rating:

With everything in mind, I would have to give Teen Wolf a 5-star rating.
Teen Wolf delivers on good content, great characters, and amazing drama.
I thought so highly of the show growing up and I still feel the same way.
It is a show that almost anyone can find something they like about it.

Teen Wolf is a great show that more people should know about.
If you’re looking for a supernatural teen drama to binge… then Teen Wolf is the show for you.
Where to Watch:
Amazon Prime and Hulu subscription. The episodes are available for renting/purchasing on Vudu and Apple TV.
3 Replies to “Teen Wolf: A Binge Worthy Supernatural Drama”
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My daughter put me on to this show I must say I didn’t like it at first but I slowly feel in love with it.
Great review!
Love it!