New Girl
I first watched New Girl during high school and never really understood the hype about it. It was the first show to take my sitcom virginity (as I don’t like laughing tracks).
To me, it just seemed like your average sitcom where an eccentric girl falls for one of her roommates. My best friend raved about the show and even watched the show to fall asleep.
The way she spoke about the show made me reconsider my original decision and I decided to give New Girl another chance.
During the summer of 2022, I binged the entire series and honestly… 10/10 would recommend.

I have fallen in love with each character on the show. Each character represented a different part of me, and I started to appreciate each character in their own way.
I enjoyed the awkwardness of Jessica Day and how she tended to ramble (badly) in situations.
I loved the laughable lines Nick Miller gave as well as being the heartthrob we never knew we needed.
Schmidt in my opinion is a top tier character who is insanely attractive while also managing to be a lovable goof with memorable one-liners.
An honorable mention is Winston Bishop who had some of the most iconic lines that made cackle on multiple occasions.

Cece Parekh is the hot best friend who always has your back regardless of the circumstances. The overall cohesiveness of the main characters made me feel like I was living in the loft with them.
The Naiyah Rating:
New Girl is a great show if you’re looking for something to have on in the background that doesn’t require you to pay a lot of attention to.
It also is a binge worthy show that will leave you wanting more episodes.
You’ll fall in love with the main characters as well as the minor characters. The jokes within the show are hilarious and you’ll come to really enjoy the show.
Where to Watch: Netflix subscription. The episodes are available for renting/purchasing on iTunes, Amazon and Vudu.