Your sun and your moon sign both tells a lot about who you truly are deep inside! I’m going to get into detail about what your sun and moon combo says about you. I’m a Sagittarius sun and a Sagittarius moon. Sagittarius is a fire sign, so my sun and moon combination is fire/fire. That combination sounds INTENSE.

If you’re also a fire/fire combination, you probably are:

  • very spontaneous and adventurous.
  • people probably don’t want to mess with you.
  • super supportive to everyone in your life!
  • you love being alone as much as being with people.
  • you’re extremely extroverted.
  • you tend to laugh at things during the worst possible times.

If you’re a fire/earth combination, you probably are:

  • Kind of messy.
  • Confident but shy.
  • Very loud but have a chill personality.
  • You’re a natural born leader.
  • You’re STUBBORN.
  • You are often times stressed, but you like the pressure.
  • You want to be active, but tend to be lazy.

If you’re a fire/air combination, you probably are:

  • You have a “young, wild, and free” personality.
  • You are the CEO of ghosting people.
  • You suck at texting.
  • You don’t like to show or express your emotions.
  • You have high standards.
  • You love to argue.

If you’re a fire/water combination, you probably are:

  • A huge people pleaser.
  • You get offended very easily.
  • You turn cold after being hurt.
  • You cry when you’re angry.
  • You don’t shy away from your emotions.
  • You look unbothered, but are actually super sensitive.

If you’re an earth/fire sign, you probably are:

  • Kind of shy but can be very loud.
  • You are short tempered.
  • You’re independent but secretly needy.
  • Have a love/hate relationship with attention.
  • You have a very artistic and creative side.
  • You go from 0-100 real quick!

If you’re an earth/earth sign, you probably are:

  • The mom of your friend group.
  • Are only nice to people that you like.
  • You’re very down to earth.
  • Have a tendency to overanalyze literally everything.
  • You use logic when it comes to your emotions.
  • You will stand up for what you believe in.

If you’re an earth/air combination, you probably are:

  • Very humble but can act like a diva sometimes.
  • Extroverted and introverted at the same time.
  • Don’t know how to comfort people when they’re upset.
  • You’re crazy and fun, but know when to be serious.
  • You look unapproachable.
  • You probably rarely like to leave your room.

If you’re an earth/water combination, you probably are:

  • Never satisfied.
  • Have a wild imagination.
  • Very head strong and feel very deeply.
  • Love to be alone.
  • You don’t like to talk about your feelings.
  • You procrastinate and overthink everything.



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