As I’ve mentioned many times before, I’m a sagittarius. Sagittarius’ are fire signs.  My boyfriend is a Capricorn, which is an earth sign. This earth/fire sign combination works out super well in my relationship because we seem to balance each other out.

A typical Capricorn is ambitious, driven, money-minded, disciplined and practical. As terrible as this might sound- my boyfriend does not seem to embody the traits of a generalized Capricorn.

A typical earth/fire sign relationship can be a good match, but it can get kind of crazy during conflict. We both have very strong personalities and things can get pretty loud when we argue. Luckily for us, we rarely argue.

I think the best part of our relationship is that we are able to balance each other out extremely well! Our signs are very different so sometimes it can be hard to understand each others perspectives. My boyfriend being a Capricorn, is very patient and understanding with me. The Sagittarius in me does a great job of calming him down when he is stressed and bringing him back into the present moment.

Overall, our relationship is great but this is not always the case with a Sagittarius/Capricorn relationship.


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