Crystals are perfect for aiding your spiritual healing process! There are so many different beautiful crystals that each have their healing abilities for the mind, body, and soul! They are in natural harmony with the Earth. Crystals are known to raise your vibrations and help filter out the toxic Karen energy from your space.

When choosing your crystals, it’s important to keep an open mind and trust your intuition. Your intuition will help you choose which crystals are needed for you at the right time!

You’re new to crystals and need guidance and advice, I’m here to tell you which crystal is best suitable for your zodiac sign!

Aries: Carnelian is a great choice for Aries because it helps to ground the and soothe the fiery Aries. This crystal restores vitality and keeps you motivated, while stimulating your creative side.

Taurus: Rose Quartz is the most suitable for the taurus because it helps them to open up their heart chakra, while also protecting themselves from heartbreak.

Gemini: Citrine will help to enhance the memory and increase the energy of a Gemini. It also helps to increase intelligence which the Gemini’s usually strive for.

Cancer: Moonstone is perfect for alleviating a Cancer’s anxieties by giving a sense of calmness and stabilizing their emotions.

Leo: Tiger’s Eye is very suitable for a Leo because it opens their eyes to creativity and positivity. It will open up blockages and allow the lion to achieve confidence and balance.

Virgo: Red Jasper is known to bring practicality and clarity to the owner of this crystal. This crystal will increase focus and concentration which makes it easier for a virgo to problem-solve.

Libra: Lapis Lazuli helps to balance the energy within. This crystal allows the Libra to center and ground itself.

Scorpio: Obsidian is a great shield to negative energy and vibes. This crystal cleanse the Scorpio’s aura by enhancing their intuitive side. The scorpio can give power to this crystal while the crystal brings the gift of prophecy.

Sagittarius: Turquoise is a great crystal for the Sagittarius. It enhances luck which makes it easier for the the optimistic Sag to manifest their dream reality.

Capricorn: Jade helps to manifest prosperity and abundance, which the Capricorn deeply desires. This crystal will enhance your manifesting abilities and attract success, abundance, fame, and wealth.

Aquarius: Lepidolite is a great for an Aquarius. Aquarius’ are very free-spirited and rebellious. This crystal will keep them present and in touch with their higher self. It will also help to relieve stress and clear emotional blockages.

Pisces: Pisces can be very sensitive and super loving. Clear quartz will help them to express themselves and keep high energy. This crystal will cleanse and purify your energy, which is needed for the pisces.




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