As some of you may know (or may not know), we are stepping into the start of Taurus season. The first day is April 19th and it goes until May 20th. The energy of Taurus throughout this time will make you feel motivated and determined. Take this time to prioritize commitment, stability and security.

Taurus is ruled by Venus. Venus is the planet of love, pleasure, and beauty. Use this time to take full advantage of that and pamper yourself! Whether that means, getting your nails and hair done, going on a shopping trip, or just self-care! Take a day to treat yourself! It’s good for the soul.

So far, Taurus season seems amazing right? Well, the downside of this the stubbornness of Tauruses. During this time, you will be focused on your goals and it might seem hard to stop, slow down and take advice from the people who love you. sometimes it is important to remember that it is okay to have different outlooks on things! Try to look at view things from other people’s perspectives during this time.

Make sure you use this time to get your mental health on track and take care of yourself. Step outside and into nature. Go for a hike, take a long walk, have a picnic with your friends. Get outside and really just take in the natural, blissful energy from nature.


Happy Taurus Season! 



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