Since it’s Aries season, it’s only right that I touch on the best and worst qualities of an Aries. I have many Aries in my life, and I’ve got to say, they’re some of my favorite people. I love the fun-loving energy that they bring to every event. On top of that, since I’m a Sagittarius, Aries is one of my most compatible signs to have as friends. Both my mom and my best friend are Aries, so it makes perfect sense.

Let’s start off talking about an Aries’ best qualities:

Aries are great friends to have because they’re very honest with you. Even if it means, it might hurt your feelings, you can always count on them to be there to tell you the truth or tell things like it is.

They’re also very determined and love working to better themselves.

Aries radiant confidence and know their self worth. They won’t beg you for compliments, but they’ll be very appreciative if you do compliment them.

They tend to be optimistic and happy. Who doesn’t love a happy person?

Aries are also passionate and brave. It’s admiring how they put their whole heart and soul into everything they do. They don’t back down from a challenge and face their fears head on.


So far, Aries sound like amazing people right? Now let’s get into their worst qualities.

To start off, Aries can be a bit temperamental. I personally have never met an Aries who acts this way, but generally they are.

They’re also impulsive and tend to regret this down the road.

Aries can be overly competitive. They’re competitive nature can be kind of off-putting to some people at times.

They’re VERY stubborn. With an Aries, sometimes they can have a bit of a “my way or the highway” attitude.

They can also be very impatient, which gets the best of them sometimes.


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