Last night, there was a pink supermoon. This full moon is in Scorpio, which happens to be one of the most emotionally intense zodiac signs.

You might be reading this and wondering what a supermoon is.

A supermoon is when a full moon is closest to the Earth and it appears about 30% brighter and 17% bigger than the normal moon. Every full moon has an energy to it. Many of you might not realize, but we can actually feel the effects of a full moon. And with a supermoon, these feelings are intensified.

If you’ve felt a shift in your mood and energy these past few days, the Supermoon might play a role in that!

This specific full moon will reveal to us any emotions we’ve been trying to avoid and hide from in the past year. This moon will bring any masked emotions to the surface and make you face them. This is why things have felt so intense lately!

It forces you to look at the things in your life that aren’t working and reflect on why they aren’t, and where you can go from here. During this time you should take note of how you’re feeling and what you’ve been focused on.

The things that have been weighing heavy on your mind lately are the things in your life that aren’t in full alignment yet.

It’s important to not be too hard on yourself during this time and to take time self reflect.

Journaling is a great way to take control of your emotions during this time. Set intentions for yourself, write down the limiting beliefs you’re ready to let go of, and write down the things you’re grateful for.

This supermoon is all about letting go of what no longer serves you.



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