A lot of people when asked their sign only refer to their sun signs. People often forget how important their moon sign is when it comes to your personality and who you are. Your moon sign represents your emotional side, your feelings, your intuition, and how you care for others. Knowing and understanding your moon sign is so valuable when it comes to relationships, friendships, etc. Your moon sign is your more intimate and vulnerable side of you, that only the people closest to you usually see.

My moon sign is in Sagittarius, so I’ll explain to you how I am affected by this.

Most people with their moon sign is Sag means that they’re very daring, free-spirited and take pride in their individuality. I yearn for travel, learning, and exploring philosophy, religion, and spirituality. I am also very brutally blunt, honest, and tend to be unfiltered when it comes to expressing how I feel. Some people may think I can come off as a bit harsh- ooops!

When people have their moon sign in Sagittarius, they’re usually the funniest people in the room. They’re very witty, energetic and love expressing themselves through sarcasm. Other traits that moons in Sag have is the tendency to have issues with commitment, regarding relationships, careers, and school. They also tend to be extremely impulsive.

How to figure out your moon sign: 

The moon spends about 3 days in each sign before it quickly moves to the next. You can use an online moon sign calculator to get an accurate answer of what your moon sign is.

When you guys calculate your moon signs, leave a comment and I can explain how this can affect you in another blog post!



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