It’s no secret that everybody has a fear of something. And if you’re reading this and thinking to yourself, “what???? I have no fears, I’m fearless!” – then please, teach me your ways.

But anyways, most people have their own personal fears and things that scare them. What you might not know is that there could be a possible connection between your zodiac sign and your biggest fears. I’m here to give you a list of the most common fears that each zodiac sign has.

I’d love to hear if any of these apply to you, so feel free to leave a comment!

Aries: Aries tend to be outgoing and usually have plenty of friends, so the thought of being forgotten can be quite scary for them. Aries also have a tendency to be afraid to ask for help when they need it.

Taurus: Taurus’ are very determined and stubborn. Taurus’ can have a fear of change. They tend to get used to the status quo and worry about things before they even happen.

Gemini: Gemini’s are very curious and love to explore new places. Because of this, they fear feeling stuck and abandoned.

Cancer: Cancer’s are very loving and emotional. Because of how sensitive and in touch with their emotions they are, they have a fear of being rejected and feeling unlike by others.

Leo: Leo’s are very charismatic and charming, and they know it. Their biggest fear is feeling invisible and feeling like they can’t measure up.

Virgo: Virgo’s are perfectionists and very organized. Their biggest fear is failure and not being able to live up to their expectations.

Libra: Libra’s are very social, friendly, but can be indecisive. Their biggest fear is making the wrong decision.

Scorpio: Scorpio’s are very intuitive, but can be very resentful. They tend to have a fear of feeling like they have been betrayed.

Sagittarius: Sagittarius’ are very fun, optimistic, and straight-forward. Their biggest fear is losing their freedom and feeling trapped.

Capricorn: Capricorns are ambitious, hardworking and goal-oriented. They have a fear of not accomplishing their goals or reaching their dreams.

Aquarius: Aquarius’ can be very independent and detached from their peers. Their biggest fear is losing their individuality and having to compromise.

Pisces: Pisces are very sympathetic. They have fear of disappointing the people in their lives as well as feeling lonely.


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