My dad is a Taurus so I’ve gotten to see firsthand the many qualities and traits of a Taurus. Taurus season runs from April 20-May 20. Taurus is the sign of the Bull, and is an element of Earth.  They have a tendency to be very hardheaded and stubborn. Once they have their mind set on something, they’re stuck in their ways.

Another thing about Taurus’ is that they don’t like being corrected or interrupted. They tend to be practical, grounded and responsible. They usually achieve their goals because they’re determined and ambitious.

As friends they are dependable and reliable, and they also have a heart of gold. On the outside they can come off as hardheaded, but on the inside they truly are so giving and generous. Taurus’ are also very loyal to the people they love and will go above and beyond for them.

The best advice I can give to you if you have a Taurus in your life, is to expect stubbornness. Just because you’re their friend, etc., doesn’t mean they will change their ways for you.



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