I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For “Scream VI”

The sixth installment of the Scream franchise was released in theaters just over a month ago. As I had just gotten the opportunity to check it out, I figured writing this review with it fresh in my mind would be best. That being said, I’ve only seen Scream IV once and may not necessarily have all of my solid thoughts put together yet.

Time- 5

As I previously mentioned, Scream VI really hasn’t been out all that long. Therefore, there’s no longevity to build the credibility for this film besides that of the other movies in this franchise; so at the very least, I think many horror fans had anticipated this film. It’s also just two hours long, sitting at a comfortable pace for slasher horror.

Rewatchability- 6

I’m personally really excited for the first rewatch of this film because there’s just so much to unpack, especially as a fan of the series overall. I think with each rewatch, I’ll pick up on more details and make connections that I might’ve missed during my first watch. However, being the sixth movie in a franchise doesn’t qualify as something I’d often have the desire to watch often unless I’m watching this particular one (because it’s new) with those that haven’t seen it yet.

Cinematography/Editing- 7

The only thing that outwardly bothered me was the scene with the ladder going across the windows over the top of the alley. This effect is done by putting glass panes on the underneath of the ladder so the actor doesn’t slip through, and unfortunately, there was a shot where the glass reflected the studio lights and revealed itself. Other than that, the cinematography was relatively exciting and always seemed to keep you on edge.

Plot- 9

The storyline of Scream VI fits really well as a sequel to Scream (2022) as well as being a part of a franchise, which is mentioned as part of this film’s rules. In this one, Randy’s niece fittingly takes over the explanation of surviving a horror franchise. The plot takes many unexpected turns and callbacks to many iconic scenes in previous Scream films, as well as to several others in the world of horror cinema. This one is also pretty easy to follow, despite the setting moving from Woodsboro, California to New York City. 

Acting- 9

Jenna Ortega gave off really fitting little sister in Freshman year of college vibes. Dermot Mulroney (Detective Bailey,) Jack Champion (Ethan Landry,) and Liana Liberato (Quinn Bailey) also played the killers in plain sight very well. Additionally, all others that reprised their roles were incredible and new cast members fit into the scene beautifully.

Costume Design/Special Effects- 10

Costumes were an incredibly integral part of Scream VI’s story. Every Ghostface mask, robe and knife ever created was used in a sickening way that made the killers of Scream VI so much worse. The apparent difference in the masks serves as first-time concrete evidence to the victims and the viewers that there is more than one killer in this one. Additionally, Mindy’s shirts often represented important parts of her character or the scenes she’s in.

Gruesome Factor- 5

There were a handful of pretty gross scenes in this modern slasher, but there wasn’t anything particularly nasty like you might find in other slasher reboots. The kills come off as significantly more shocking than they are gruesome. But like any slasher movie, Scream VI does use its fair share of fake blood.

Shock Value- 10

It’s shocking to admit that Scream VI is just as shocking as the rest. There were so many twists that didn’t fit any of the “rules” the previous films “played by.” They also used many fantastic tactics to pull off jumpscares that you wouldn’t see coming, even if you’re looking. Scream always builds shock up all the way to the end with the reveal of Ghostface, but this one was probably one of the most bewildering of them all.

Believability- 7

Scream VI definitely feels believable to their world, which is really interesting since it doesn’t take place in Woodsboro anymore. But there were still so many factors that made it feel like any other Scream movie. For example, the actors bounced really strongly off of each other in this category, all adding their own flavor to the archetype they portrayed. Although, I felt like there were certain things that seemed a bit silly to overlook, like how no one checked Ethan’s alibi. 

​Ending- 7

The final battle in Scream VI feels much heavier than most others in the franchise and I think that’s because they’re all represented in the collection. Everything seems more intense because the kills happen in more interesting ways and are scarily passionate. There was also a hilarious post-credit scene with Mindy saying “Not all movies need a post-credits scene.” However, some people that survived really shouldn’t have based on their interactions with Ghostface.

Points Total: 75% out of 100%

I really enjoyed Scream VI overall, and I don’t credit that solely because I like the others. In fact, I find 6 much better than 5 and I thought the modernization of that one would’ve been astounding. But I think they were simply building to this one because I think this is my favorite slasher that’s been made in a long time.

Also, I simply cannot control having to talk about the soundtrack when they’re good. With Billie Eilish, Demi Lovato, Nick Cave and Girl In Red being featured, this one certainly qualifies.

Updated 4/30: Hello everyone! I recently created a podcast version of this review with my close friend, Lauren Jenkins including much more of our personal opinions and experiences with watching Scream VI. Check that out below!

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