Berardi Family, Halloween 2018

Hello! I’m Jaina Lorraine Berardi, and I’d like you to join me on a journey through the world of terror- making stops at some of the greatest movies in this realm of all time, according to statistics and reviews around the world. At these stops, I’ll be breaking down the attributes that have helped create some of these beloved horror movies, and comparatively use my subjective opinions to find which my true favorites are.

There are some particular qualities about films that watchers consider when deciding whether or not they like a movie, and there are some that can be found specifically within horrors that have brought audiences into theaters since the genre was first shown on the big screen.

I’ve chosen 10 of these qualities to focus on while reviewing each movie, including

  • Time
  • “Rewatchability”
  • Cinematography
  • Plot
  • Acting
  • Costume Design/Special Effects
  • Gruesome Factor
  • Shock Value
  • Believability
  • Ending

I plan to rate each of these qualities out of 10, so that every movie will be rated out of 100, equating to a percentage. Broken down below, each category will answer questions relevant to each quality.

Time- How well does it stand the test of time? Are audiences still finding it scary? Is it considered a classic? Also, is it outrageously long, rushed or have perfect pacing?

Cinematography/Editing- Do the camera angles make you feel anxious? Is the coloring too saturated? Are there missing frames? Is it too dark or too exposed? How is the CGI and post production special effects?

Rewatchability- How often do you want to watch this movie? Could you watch it every couple months and never get tired of it? Or would you rather never watch it again?

Plot- Do the characters have backstories? Is there substance to the story? Is there character development or plot twists? Are there continuity errors or plot holes?

Acting- How well do the actors portray their character? Are you convinced they’re a bloodthirsty killer? Does the leading lady make you want to root for her?

Costume Design/Special Effects- How effective is the makeup and masks? Does the costuming fit the era it’s set in? Does it look cheaply made?

Gruesome Factor- Does it leave your stomach a little queasy? How much blood is used? Are characters dehumanized or mutilated? 

Shock Value- Does this movie make you jump? Did you see it coming before it happened? Does it make you wonder who’s crazy enough to create that? Was this movie ahead of its time technologically?

Believability- Does it make you think it could be real? Does it transport you into a different world? Are the practical effects convincing?

​Ending- How does the conclusion of the story leave you? Is it happy? Is everyone dead? Is it open ended? Does it make you want a sequel?