Conrad Countryman’s


Tag: internet

  • The Internet before the Internet, Part 3

    Alright, we’ve made it this far, let’s see how we ended up where we are today. Usenet groups have provided people an unprecedented amount of connection, and global communication has (seemingly) never been easier. Internet Relay Chats (IRC’s) are slowly coming into prominence, offering instant and live contact amongst users. But this still isn’t the…

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  • The Internet before the Internet, Part 2

    So, where did we leave off? Oh, right. January 1, 1983. When TCP/IP became the official protocol for all interconnected networks. Well, what am I here to talk about now? I mean, the internet’s here. We have it! Story’s over! Right? Well…not quite. See, this is the Mesopotamia of the internet. Beforehand, we were internet…

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  • The Internet before the Internet, Part 1

    On January 1, 1983, the internet was born. Kinda. Really, that was when the internet we know of happened. The proto-internet (really, the internet to be) was much different from what we used today. The most popular and well known version of the “early internet” was something called ARPANET. ARPANET was the babysteps of the…

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