This website was created by SUNY Fredonia’s own Conrad Countryman in 2024 for a class on communication. Originally, this website was going to be a quick and easy webpage about something simple and boring (like computers…). But I thought, “Hey, let’s get weird with it. I like the ’90s and early 2000s. I lived some of those! And there were so many interesting things to talk about (like computers!)” The rest, of course, is history!
Nostalgia is a very vivid and personal thing for so many different people. We, as human beings, always wanna have fun and live a happy life. It’s harder to do the older you get (unless you’re a trust fund baby), so we harken back to when life was so much simpler; we remember being kids, running around and doing all manner of stupid s**t for the sole purpose of because we could.
I hope this website regales you on your childhood like it does mine. And if it doesn’t…well, I say some funny things every now and then.
Hope to see you soon!