Social Goods: Supporting Ukraine


Social Goods is a company that is working to connect consumers with social causes. Every purchase supports a different non-profit/social cause.

The company has three different missions:

  • Make a statement: shop goods that start conversations and benefit the causes you are passionate about 
  • Support the cause: Not only are you showing support, but every purchase you make gives back to a non-for-profit 
  • Be the change: connect with non-for-profits working to make real change and learn about different ways to get involved 

The company was founded in 2018 by Lisa and Kate, two sisters from Ohio. Lisa and Kate created the company with the desire to directly connect consumers with organizations that are truly making a difference and advocating for social change.

According to the company’s website, “Whether it’s pink hats for women’s equality, orange t-shirts for common-sense gun reform, or black pins to show solidarity, what we wear — and what we buy – has the power to raise awareness for issues close to our hearts or make a statement about injustice.” How we spend our money has the power to make a difference and leave a lasting social impact on the world.

Social Goods offers consumers a wide variety of products, causes, and non-for-profits to choose from. The company supports a variety of different types of causes such as human rights, women’s rights, racial justice, civic engagement, civil rights, equality, environmental protection, international aid, and education/arts.

Different non-for-profits Social Goods partners with: 

One organization that the company also supports is the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, which supports Ukrainian Refugees. 100% of the proceeds from the Social Goods “Human First for Ukraine” Collection are donated to the UNHCR. You can purchase any item from the collection to help support Ukraine.

                      Items from the Human First for Ukraine Collection 

In February, Russia invaded the country of Ukraine, igniting chaos, violence, and conflict. As a result, many Ukrainians have been forced to flee their homes to neighboring and surrounding countries such as Poland, Romania, Hungary, and Slovakia. According to the UNHCR, nearly 5 million (4.8) Ukrainians have fled their homes to seek refuge in neighboring countries. And nearly another 7 million refugees still actively remain in the country, internally displaced, bringing the total number of Ukrainian refugees to 12 million. The number of refugees continues to rise.

Before the war, Ukraine had a total population of about 44 million, meaning that over 25% of the country’s total population is now refugees. Poland has received nearly half of the Ukrainian refugees (2.5 million refugees). To support the increasing number of Ukrainian refugees, Poland and other countries need more support.

The Polish government says that it will need significantly more money and resources than the EU and UN are currently providing to host the number of refugees that are coming to Poland and other Western territories from Ukraine. The majority of refugees, 90%, are women and children. By supporting the UNHCR, you are helping to support Ukrainian refugees and families in Ukraine.

                            Map of Eurasia

See the source image

Ukrainian refugees are fleeing the West, moving away from Russia, towards Western countries such as Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania for safety. 

The UNHCR is working to provide Ukrainian refugees across Eurasia with resources and humanitarian aid such as shelter, water, food, safety, and protection. Social Goods is working to rally support to help those displaced and suffering as a result of events in Ukraine.

Click the link below to purchase items from the “Human First Collection” to help support Ukraine or to find a new cause to become passionate about.  Human First Collection for Ukraine | Prink shop | Social Goods (


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