Don’t get me wrong The Tap dances in Anything Goes are truly immaculate. The style of the music and the rhythm of dance is so much fun.
Here is just a little clip of one of the dances for you:
To be honest, Anything Goes is a great musical full of enjoyment. Disappointedly, there are two characters that demonstrate racist stereotypes.
Two Asian Characters named Ching and Ling, wore winged eye and face paint, Rice paddy hats, and traditional Chinese clothing.
These characters were meant to provide comic relief. The characters used racist humor and made derogatory comments.
For example, the characters would smile at each other and then bow every few seconds. In the Chinese race, bowing is actually meant for formal greeting and for showing respect, it should not be used as a punch line.
There is an ongoing debate on whether or not productions should cut these characters from the musical.
I believe these characters should be cut from the story/ script.
If a production feels strongly about having comedic characters than change the characters. For example, instead of using racist troupes, have two men doing circus tricks, or an old couple excited to be on a cruise ship, etc.
No matter what these characters should not be put in the story.
As evidenced by rise in Asian Hate crimes, words and stereotypes have real world consequences. It’s past time to support removal of racist troupes from theatre and to make a change.
Here are Just a few organizations you can support. Stop Asian Hate:
The Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund
Asian Americans Advancing Justice
AAPI Women Lead
AAPI Community Fund