Talking with Dan and Anna: The Intro Podcast

Talking With the Prof
Talking With the Prof
Talking with Dan and Anna: The Intro Podcast

Welcome to FredPods, the site for podcasts from the Social Media Practicum students at SUNY Fredonia.

You can find the class blogs at Meanwhile, this is the site for the podcasts we’ll be producing this spring in conjunction with those blogs.

As part of the class, we’ll also be having weekly talks about what the challenges are that students are facing and how they’re thinking of handling them. Don’t worry: It’ll be short, around 5 minutes each.

This is our first one, with Anna Gagliano (host of The Wine-y Undergrad, a look at wine culture for college students on a budget — and 21 years of age) and Dan Reilly, whose Sports Work site has already looked at some pretty interesting issues.

So look for more to come. It should be a fun semester!




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