One of the harder things to do in college if you don’t know where to look is to find out about what’s going on on campus. Well, you’re in luck cause your local senior is here to help you get in tune with how to find these things.
- Events@Fredonia
This site has all the events going on on campus that a club or organization has submitted to be publicized. This method is unfortunately a little less reliable than other forms as the club needs to submit the information and some people do not know how to do or want to.
- Campus TVs
The two are connected but hey I wanted the list to be 5. When a club does submit its event to events@fredonia, they have the option for the event to be published to a specific channel around campus. That channel (more than likely the campus life events channel), will have the event be displayed on a TV anywhere on-campus for about 15 seconds. You can see what the event is called when it is, the information about the event, and where it is.
- The clubs instagram/social media
One of the best ways of finding information about events held by a club on-campus is through their social media (most of the time Instagram), this is much more reliable than other forms as they often post about their general body meetings as well. Attending these GB meetings can help you get more involved in that club, especially if you love the club.
- Posters around campus
You walk through McEwen and see a bunch of colorful posters littered around the poles of the building, but what are these for? These are the event posters that the clubs make to give out the information about the events that they are holding, without relying on the internet to get that information out.
- Word of mouth
If any of your professors allow students to make announcements before the lecture begins (they are cool professors, keep them) they will more than likely announce any event that a club that they are involved in will be taking place relatively soon. Plus, you can ask them questions about the event since they are in-person and not an internet post or poster.
Well here you go, your local college senior has officially aided you in learning about events on-campus. I gotta be honest, I need help finding what clubs to talk about on this site. Please, please, please, fill out my Google Form linked to request a club. It’s free and it won’t bite. Also, please subscribe to email notifications located at the bottom of my home page to get notified on your email browser whenever I post to my site. Thank you so much for your time, and you’ll hear from me soon.