Hello friends! Today I’m going to tell you how I read as a full-time college student!
Unfortunately, I can’t listen to audiobooks. If I have something playing in the background while I’m doing something, it becomes just that – background noise.
I comprehend absolutely nothing.
Therefore, I need to find time I can solely dedicate to reading. And somedays it’s easier than others.
I’m going to give you tips on what I do to get reading time during college classes, homework, regular work, and other activities.
Feel free to try them out. And if they don’t work for you, that’s okay!
What works for me might not work for you, but you won’t know unless you try it out.
- Have a physical book and an e-book to read at the same time
If you’re like me, you might have a few different books started that you alternate reading.
I’ve found it best to have a physical book I can read during the day, and at night, I can read an e-book on my phone or kindle.
I really despise holding books up in bed, so reading on my phone or kindle helps me avoid that.
And I can read without a light on.
Having these two options allows me to fit more time for reading in my schedule. Also, if I’m waiting between classes, I can read on my phone to pass the time.
If you can’t read two books at the same time, you might be able to get the physical book you’re reading as an e-book.
Or you can just read your e-book during the day. Or brave reading a physical book at night in bed.
(Most people probably don’t mind it, but I’m too tired at the end of the day to hold a book up.)
- Swap screen time for reading time
Now, I’m not perfect with this tip. There are many, many times I sit down to read and end up scrolling through TikTok.
But you do waste a lot of valuable time scrolling through your phone.
When I get home from classes, I’ll try to block out an hour while I charge my computer to read my physical book.
I’ve figured out that if I try to read on the couch or sitting up in bed, I will fall asleep.
So, I have a designated reading chair that I need to get better at using.

Isn’t she beautiful? Mine has a giant, purple tie-dyed sloth taking up residence at the moment.
When I’m getting ready for bed, I’ll have my e-book up while I brush my teeth, wash my face, and lay in bed while I unwind.
This can be dangerous sometimes because I (might) end up bingeing the entire story and not go to sleep until 4 in the morning.
And I can’t always let that happen.
Which leads me to my next tip.
- Read at night
There truly is nothing more relaxing than laying in bed with a book after a long day of hard work.
Not only is nighttime one of my extended periods of free time, it’s also uninterrupted quiet time!
My dogs have been walked for the night, face is washed and teeth are brushed, and I’m waiting until my eyes physically cannot stay open any longer.
It truly is the perfect time to get through some chapters!
Sometimes, if I know I don’t need to be up incredibly early the next morning, I’ll let myself stay awake past 2 am.
(Sometimes that isn’t always a conscious choice, either.)
I’ve stayed up far too late finishing books when I know I can sleep in the next morning. And I’ve never been a morning person, so it checks out for me.
But, really, do not stay up late reading if you have something important the next morning. Only do it if you know you can handle it!
If you can’t (or don’t want to) stay up late into the night reading, you can try setting a chapter goal.
Maybe you’ll stop reading once you get to a certain chapter? Maybe you’ll read five chapters, and then go to bed?
Maybe you’ll read until you can’t focus anymore?
Whatever works best for you! I’ve done all of the above!
No matter what, I can’t stop in the middle of a chapter. Even if I don’t comprehend it, I will push through to the end.
Which is more of a me problem.
- Read chapters in increments
When I sit down and read, especially a physical book, I’ll place my bookmark on a chapter that is an increment of five.
I don’t know why I started doing this, but it really helps me get through books.
Depending on the length of the book, five chapters can consist of 50 pages. I can easily read that amount in an hour, which is usually the amount of time I block off for reading.
Dividing a book into increments or chunks also helps me feel more accomplished with reading. It also makes finishing the book not seem so daunting.
Let’s take a 30 chapter book that has over 300 pages. Rather than fussing over the pages left, I understand that it’ll take 6 chunks to finish it.
6 chunks or 300 plus pages? The chunks are much more appealing!
If five chapters don’t work for you, change the number!
Maybe your goal is one chapter a day or three or 10! It is still reading and gaining progress in your current read.
- Don’t force yourself to read
I know what you’re probably thinking.
Here’s a list of tips to get you to read more, and I’m telling you not to read?
But with hectic schedules and mandated course readings, sometimes you just don’t feel like reading.
And you shouldn’t force yourself.
This is a guaranteed way to put you into a slump. Or, your unwillingness to want to read can impact your rating on the book.
It might be something you would otherwise love if you were in the right headspace!
There are many times when it comes to the end of the night that it feels like a chore to pick up my book.
So, instead I’ll watch YouTube or something on a streaming site.
And it makes me feel guilty that I’m not using this time to read. And it’s okay to feel guilty.
But it’s also important to take care of yourself.
If reading is something you’re passionate about, you don’t want to risk associating it with a bad experience.
Or get burnt out from all the reading you already do in your collegiate life.
Now, I’m not saying to use this as an excuse to not read. Sometimes I don’t want to, but I force myself to find a book and end up devouring it!
But if push comes to shove, the book will always be there tomorrow for you to try again.
Here are my 5 tips on how I read as a full-time college student! Let me know how YOU find time to read during your hectic schedule!
Tell me if any of these tips have worked for you!
<3 Mara