
review of six summers to fall!

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Remember when I talked about my excitement for one of my favorite Indie author’s newest release? Well, here is my REVIEW of Six Summers to Fall!

This is my first ever review on this blog, and it will be spoiler free.

It’ll be short and sweet and to the point (as my more detailed reviews I save for my reading journal 😉 )

As with everything, reading is a subjective experience.

My thoughts on this book aren’t the be-all-end-all of book opinions. That’s the beauty of reading: we all experience something different!

Six Summers to Fall is the latest release by Indie author C.W. Farnsworth. It is also the sixth book of hers that I’ve read!

SSTF follows Harper and Drew, who spent some time together for five summers at their neighboring lake houses. After almost a decade apart, the two reconnect, and strike a deal for Drew to attend Harper’s sister wedding with her …

As her boyfriend.

Honestly, I was a little worried about reading this book. The last C.W. Farnsworth book I read didn’t hit the mark for me.

And I was extremely nervous that all the teasers and snippets I’ve seen were the good parts, and that the rest wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.

However, this story checked all my boxes to make it a FIVE STAR READ.

And I’ve never been so happy to be wrong in my life.

(Just a little FYI, this book released on the 23rd, and I finished at 11:58 pm on the 25th.

I totally could’ve read it in one sitting if I didn’t have school the next morning.)

As always, C.W. Farnsworth’s quality of writing is spectacular. Her descriptions and clear story-telling ability invite us into Lake Paulson, and the love story of Harper and Drew.

In terms of plot development, it felt like all the scenes were there for a purpose, and each one further moved the plot forward.

There weren’t times that I wished things needed to speed up, slow down, or that things were glossed over. The only fault I found was the ending … because I really didn’t want it to be over!

SSTF’s emotional impact was off the charts – clearly since it’s a five star!

I was squealing, blushing, smiling, laughing, and even shed a few tears at one point.

It truly hit me in all the feels.

And the characters felt real. Drew and Harper had depth and agency to them outside of their romantic relationship.

They had their own struggles, dreams, aspirations, and social life outside of each other.

Sure, Harper wasn’t the most likeable main character at times, but that added to her depth. She had flaws – which helps make her a great and believable main character.

Drew … I want my own Drew Halifax. He made his way right on my book boyfriend’s list.

(And if you want a post dedicated to that, let me know!)

And finally, just look at the book cover! I’m a SUCKER for illustrated covers, like, this is just absolutely adorable.

Please, please, please search up trigger warnings before going into this book! It deals with some heavy topics.

That concludes my review of Six Summers to Fall!

Let me know what YOUR latest five star read was, and if you’ve read SSTF, what are your thoughts on it?

I’d love to know!

Keep an eye out for my next post on Wednesday!

<3 Mara