
book recommendation tag!

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If you’ve been around the book community lately, you’ve probably seen the book recommendation tag that’s been going around.

For those of you unaware, it’s a set of questions that you answer with a book recommendation.

And I am going to attempt that here for my lovely readers, and try to say a DIFFERENT book for each question.

I got the questions from Larry Reads on YouTube, and I highly recommend checking out her channel!

I’ve been on a BookTube binge lately, so if you want recommendations of who to watch, let me know!

Anyway, let’s get into my book recommendation tag!

As always, please search up trigger warnings! Some of these books will contain mature content!

  1. a book you tell people is your favorite

This will come as no surprise to anyone but People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry. So, so good.

  1. a book that is your guilty pleasure

I’ve reread this book probably more times than one should but Puck Me Secretly by Odette Stone is definitely a guilty pleasure of mine.

  1. a book everyone loved but you didn’t

I have two for this. One is We Were Liars by E. Lockhart. I’ve seen mixed reviews for this, and I personally did not like it.

My other choice is Icebreaker by Hannah Grace. I’m not sure if it truly counts because I DNF’d it, but I didn’t like it.

  1. a book you read the fastest

Rival by Ketley Allison. I read this book in one day, and not even the whole day.

I finished it within a couple of hours it was so good.

It’s the start of the Briarcliff Series which is so, so good. I highly recommend if you’re into dark romances!

  1. a book that deserves more hype

This one was super hard for me, but I’ll have to say In 27 Days by Alison Gervais.

I absolutely adore this book, and I never see anyone talk about it!

  1. a book that made you cry

There is (sadly) so many books I could choose from here. However, I’m going to go with the Crave Series by Tracy Wolff.

Every single book in this series that I’ve read so far have made me cry at one point or another.

  1. a book that has your favorite characters

This will definitely be the Treehouse Boys Series by McKinley May. There’re three books:

Hard as Steel
No Paine No Gain
Collins All the Shots

The first two are definitely my favorite of the series, but I love the characters. I love the couples and the friend groups!

  1. a book you thought you would hate but ended up loving

Hands down The Castle School (for Troubled Girls) by Alyssa Sheinmel.

The first quarter or so of this book, I for sure thought I was going to end up disliking this book.

And I’ve never been more happy to be wrong in my entire life.

  1. a book from a genre you don’t typically read

Storm and Silence by Robert Thier.

It’s always baffled me because I love history and I love romance, but historical romances just don’t hit for me.

But this series was definitely a hit! (at least the first five-ish books)

My April BOTM pick was a historical romance, so maybe this’ll be the start of something new.

  1. a book you wish you could read for the first time

Again, there were SO many to choose from but Cruel Prince by Ashley Jade is an obvious choice.

As soon as I finished this book, I wanted to read it again. And I’m sad I’ll never get to experience it again for the first time.

There are more questions that could be answered, but coming up with those ten was MUCH harder than I thought!

Kudos to every booktuber I’ve watched that answers all fifteen (and adds more of their own).

I think the hardest part was coming up with different books both for the questions and for ones I haven’t recommended already.

So, this marks the end of my book recommendation tag! Let me know some of YOUR answers to these questions!

Stay tuned for my next post coming this weekend!

<3 Mara