April 28, 2023 An Overview of Aphantasia I’ve created a brief explanation of aphantasia and its history, both in graphic and video form! https://vimeo.com/823785328 Continue reading
April 28, 2023 Reflecting On My Own Aphantasia I first discovered the idea of aphantasia in my sophomore year of college. There wasn’t a specific conversation that I recall having or a… Continue reading
April 28, 2023 A Collection of Famous Aphants Although aphantasia affects the mind’s ability to visualize imagery, some of the most creative people share the condition. Since most people have never even… Continue reading
April 28, 2023 The “Causes” & “Cures” of Aphantasia & The Major Misconceptions The bit of research that has been conducted over the last decade or so has shown that aphantasia is mostly congenital, meaning most aphants… Continue reading
April 28, 2023 Dr. Adam Zeman & The Aphantasia Network Dr. Adam Zeman is a professor at the University of Exeter in England who specializes in cognitive and behavioral neurology and has an extensive… Continue reading
April 19, 2023 Even Your Best Friend Could Have Aphantasia! Since someone having aphantasia often comes as a shock to those who don’t have it, I decided to get some personal insight on the… Continue reading
April 19, 2023 Advantages and Disadvantages of Having Aphantasia Before diving in, it’s important to remember that every case of aphantasia is subjective and those experiences are not black and white, nor easily… Continue reading
April 19, 2023 What Is Aphantasia and What Does It Look Like? The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines aphantasia as “the inability to form mental images of real or imaginary people, places, or things.” The most important thing… Continue reading
April 28, 2023 Sources and Resources I’ve compiled this list of websites that contain helpful information about aphantasia, including all the sources I’ve used to create this blog. There are… Continue reading