This video is an interview with The Grateful Dead in 1967. This interview highlights the dispise of the hippie movement.
The reporters makes remarks about the youth of the 1960s not wanting to work, or, if they are lucky enough to get a job it is because the employer is tolerant of their long hair and lifestyle.
I found this interesting because it seems like the youth is contsnatly hated by older generations. That we fail to work enough, or hard enough, that we could never understand how terribly hard it was for the generations above us.
Thats not to say that older generations did not work for their success and should not be appreciated but I am curious to why this trend exists within our society. Maybe one day I will be old and grey and I will look down on the youth with disgust. I sure hope not.
The interview refers to hippies as children, that act out to seek attention from their parental figures. Thus, when the police come to break up a congregation in the streets of San Fransisco their statement seems somewhat true.
The Grateful Dead suggested to play their songs in a near by park further promoting their movement of peace. The people followed and the band played “Dancing In The Streets”.