Lake Erie State Park

  • February 27, 2022
  • Nature
  • 1 Comment

It feels only right to kick off my blog by discussing the place that inspired it – Lake Erie State Park. If you read my last post, you might know that this is my comfort spot. I find myself ending up here at least once or twice a week.   On a sunny day after class, I don’t usually feel like going right home. Sometimes I like to drive around, turn up the music, and explore. One day last year I stumbled upon this place, and I’ve never looked back.   The first thing I noticed upon arrival at the park was the INSANE view of the lake. One time, …..

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About Me

Hey there! My name is Sam and I’m a junior at SUNY Fredonia with a double major in public relations and political science. I’m involved in a few organizations on campus including the Sigma Kappa sorority, club soccer, and I’m currently the public relations chair for PRSSA (Public Relations Student Society of America.) Since my freshman year, I’ve always heard the same complaint about Fredonia – “there’s nothing to do here besides school and going out.” I’ve fallen into the trap of this mentality myself. A lot of days I find myself just driving around to get out of the house. Last year, during one of my drives I stumbled …..

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