WARNING: Explicit language is in this article!
I knew when I started this website, that this game would have to be put on here.
Before I start by mentioning the game of the week (which you know by the title), I just wanted to talk about clips I put in my articles.
Some of my clips are from my Xbox (which does not record my voice for some reason), some are from a Nintendo Switch (again, does not record my voice), and my gaming laptop (which does record my voice).
The good news, most of my clips from my gaming laptop have been saved (except for my screenshots).
Bad news, my laptop shit the bed back in November 2023. Entirely my fault. 🙁
So please bear with me while I hopefully make enough money to afford a new gaming laptop or PC. So all in all, in some of my clips you’ll hear my voice, and some of them, not.
Anyways, to start like always, the game of the week is… “Fortnite.”
Now, I have a difficult relationship with this game to start with.
I played when “Fortnite” first came out, I got my first victory royal before my brother did (on his birthday, just an FYI) and I’ve been playing ever since.
This game helped me get closer with my father and my brothers which I’m very thankful for.
However, “Fortnite” pisses me off but I’ll get into that aspect later on.
If you don’t know what “Fortnite” is, it’s a battle royal game like “PUBG” and “Apex Legends.”
When you get into this game, you and about 99 other players will be able to drop from the battle bus that’s flying in the air and land on any part of the map.
When you land, you will find weapons, shields, and medkits. You will also find chests that can contain better and more effective weapons or different movement options.
Once the battle bus leaves, there is the storm. The storm hurts you if you stand in it.
You can look on the map to see where the storm isn’t and you get into that storm circle. The storm circle decreases every few minutes, with the time getting shorter.
Now the smaller the circle, the more people will run into each other and fight and one will end up winning.
There can only be one winner but, if you are playing duos, trios, or squads, then that changes.
All in all the main goal is: to get the battle royal victory.
“Fortnite” changes every few months such as seasons, battle passes (a cosmetic bundle where you use your XP levels to earn stars and buy things from the pass with those stars), and of course, the lore.
The lore of “Fortnite” is honestly so confusing to me, that I wouldn’t be able to give you all an honest and truthful explanation. However, Fortnite.GG gives a good explanation of the entire lore of “Fortnite.”
Now going back to what I said above: “Fortnite” pisses me off.
In this recent chapter, chapter 5, the weapons are CRAZY!
To give you background, I’ll give an example of what my loadout usually looks like.
Now in your loadout, you have 5 slots where you can put anything in.
My loadout (in this order and in “Fornite Zero Build”) is an assault rifle, frenzy auto shotgun, sniper, either medkits, big shields, or flowberry fizz and the grapple blade. (RIP to it not being in this new season of “Fortnite”).
For some of these weapons, I don’t have a specific choice besides the frenzy auto shotgun. This thing is AWESOME!
I also ALWAYS have a sniper with the biggest scope, which I believe is the 4x scope.
My friends can say that I am SO GOOD AT USING SNIPERS!
Like I go crazy. You can see some of the clips are below.
Back to why I hate “Fortnite,” the ability to ONE SHOT someone with a green sniper rifle or a gray pump shotgun is SO FRUSTRATING!
Now I know what you are all thinking: Abby, maybe you just suck at “Fortnite” and maybe you should play regular “Fortnite” rather than “Fortnite Zero Build.” AND you might be right, that’s a valid opinion.
HOWEVER, in my own opinion, the use of ballistic shields is so fucking unfair because the majority of players who use them fucking suck. If you can’t kill someone without using that god-forsaken item, then man I don’t know go touch grass or something.
And regular “Fortnite” with the ability to build to protect yourself sucks. Sorry, not sorry.
Now, in “Fortnite” you can play games with up to 3 people (including yourself). I usually play with my boyfriend and occasionally my sisters.
Not only are you able to play with 3 other people, but there are so many different game modes you can play.
My two favorites are: “Fortnite Zero Build” and “Fortnite Festival.”
Now I talked about zero build above along with some of my clips so now we can talk about “Fortnite Festival.”
“Fortnite Festival” is my go-to when I am frustrated or mad about zero build.
“Fortnite Festival” is basically “Guitar Hero” but just a different font (mind you, growing up I played “Guitar Hero” so seeing that “Fortnite Festival” is the same thing, made me feel very nostalgic).
Here is a clip of me playing “Fortnite Festival.”
I think the best aspect of this game is the skins. Yes, how ironic of me to talk about this. But the cosmetics in this game are off the charts!
My go-to skin is Chun-Li from “Street Fighter.” Love this skin, I barely ever change my skin and if I do, I usually go back to change it.
I have more than 100 skins in “Fortnite” and it’s just crazy how many skins are out there. For my “Fortnite” girlies out there, we are currently thriving.
I feel as though I’ve talked about “Fortnite” long enough but in my opinion, I want to keep going.
“Fortnite” is a huge game and there are so many different aspects that I would like to cover!
For now, I’ll leave it off until the next season comes out, which, ironically, already came out the other day. I think I may also make a post regarding some of my most funniest and stupidest “Fortnite” memories.
To summarize everything I said in this article: “Fortnite” is a fun game but you will develop anger issues if you haven’t already.
To give my opinion on this game, I would have to give it 4 golden stars out of 5.
I don’t want to give this rating but the ballistic shields and pump shotguns fuel my hatred (maybe it’ll change now that the new season is out, we shall see).