Domestic Violence Awareness Ribbon. PHOTO: CARPLS


Given my last blog post regarding the case of Yeardley Love, which you can read here. I thought it was important to talk about domestic violence awareness because it’s a lot more common than it should be.

Domestic Violence occurs in many different forms, and the biggest problem surrounding it is most of the time the partner being abused is too scared to tell anyone about it, including the police.

Some signs to look out for in a relationship that could lead to domestic violence include but aren’t limited to:

  1. Extreme jealousy
  2. Possessive behavior
  3. Unpredictability
  4. Short, angry temper
  5. Verbal abuse
  6. Cruelty to animals
  7. Non-consensual sex
  8. Extremely controlling tendencies
  9. Financial control
  10. Victim blaming for the abuse
  11. Control of victims apparel and appearance
  12. Abuse of other people

Some resources to help if you ever find yourself in a situation like this include:

  1. In an emergency, call 911
  2. For anonymous help and advice call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE)

There is help available for all domestic violence abuse victims in each state across the country. There are not only anonymous lines you can call, but also shelters for abuse victims you can stay in confidentially, and therapists available to talk at any time.

Domestic violence is a growing issue, and it’s a topic that can be very hard to talk about. However, if you ever find yourself in a situation like this and want to reach out for help there are resources for you that are always there to help when you’re ready for them.

Don’t forget, the month of October is national Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Wear a purple ribbon to show your support to those that may need it the most.