College students living on campus are still at high risk to fall victim to some sort of crime. Even though college campuses may seem very safe with University Police and other safety measurements put in place by universities, it’s important to know how to keep yourself safe at all times.

Some of the most common crimes that occur on college campuses in the United States include:

  1. Forcible sexual assault
  2. Theft and burglary
  3. Bullying
  4. Drug and alcohol related crimes

College campuses aren’t always safe spaces for students. With the heavy amount of drinking, drugs, and party culture in general that happens among most college students, crimes like those listed above and others do happen quite frequently.

This doesn’t mean if you go to college that something will definitely happen to you, but of course it’s always possible to fall victim to crimes like these. Knowing about crimes that occur most frequently and doing your own research can help you learn different safety measures to keep yourself safe in various situations.

Doing more research into how these crimes most commonly occur will help you learn how to deal with situations if you ever find yourself in one. Stay safe, do research, and be aware of your surroundings at all times!