coffee spring starbucks

My Go-To Non Coffee Drink

I know this is a coffee blog, but sometimes not everyone is in the mood for a coffee related type of beverage.

For me, there are definitely times where I’m not really craving coffee, even though I drink it basically everyday if I can.

I wanted to share my new favorite and go-to iced drink that I like to get when I’m not in a coffee mood.  This drink is perfect for the summer that is quickly approaching.

This drink is a Starbucks order, but I believe you could probably order this at other places or make your own with the right materials and ingredients!

You will start off by ordering an (any size) strawberry açaí refresher, with lemonade, and add 3 pumps (or however many you want) of raspberry syrup.

This drink is the perfect refreshment after a hot day or for when you just want something nice and cold but sweet as well!