
Milk Alternatives

Recently, people have seen a major shift in the types of dairy and milk choices people use and are offering at different coffee shops, around the country and even the world.

There has been an obvious switch to non dairy choices among people and their coffee orders.  Usually, coffee shops have always had those alternatives, especially since some people are allergic or just lactose intolerant.  Typically, the main alternative that was given was soy milk.

But, even that, 65% of our human population is only just lactose intolerant.

However, even people who don’t need those accommodations have been switching to non dairy alternatives in their coffee.  I know that I have.

According to an article from Forbes, “dairy milk consumption has been on the decline for decades, with each generation drinking less milk than its predecessor” (Kateman).

Most of the reasons for this switch is because of ethics or just simple nutrition reasons.

Places like Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks have just recently added oat milk to their list of alternatives.  Oat milk is simply a non dairy milk alternative that is plant-based and gives a creamy and rich taste to your go-to coffee.  And as to the name, it does consist of oats of course!

Coffee shops also provide other non dairy options such as almond milk, and coconut milk that you can customize to your personal liking.

Now for my opinion.

I’m definitely a person that does not need accommodations made to my coffee.  But, I like to try something new once in a while.  Lately, I’ve been adding oat milk into my everyday coffee.  But, for me it is sometimes hard to differ between each milk and their taste since it’s only in my coffee.

I do agree though, that almond milk is definitely a thinner type of milk and doesn’t always blend as well.  Oat milk on the other hand, is thicker and is similar to to real dairy milk from my experience.

Overall, ethically and nutritionally, non dairy alternatives are very beneficial.  And, their tastes are good as well!  I recommend trying a simple switch in dairy once in a while.  A little goes a long way.

Forbes article link: