coffee frappuccino starbucks summer

Review of Starbuck’s New Frappuccino

If you didn’t already know, Starbucks has just launched their new Frappuccino for the summer.  This is in place of their old S’mores Frappuccino, which was a seasonal drink for the summer only. This new frap addition is titled the Strawberry Funnel Cake Frappuccino.  Just yesterday, I went and ordered it in a venti and […]

astrology coffee dunkin donuts starbucks zodiac signs

What coffee drink I think you would be based on your zodiac sign

Disclaimer: Don’t come for me, this is all for fun and laughs and based mainly on the stereotypes of the signs, you may resonate with a different sign’s drink 🙂 Aries You guys are known for taking risks and being impulsive.  You tend to be ambitious individuals. You are also the first sign of the […]

coffee spring starbucks

My Go-To Non Coffee Drink

I know this is a coffee blog, but sometimes not everyone is in the mood for a coffee related type of beverage. For me, there are definitely times where I’m not really craving coffee, even though I drink it basically everyday if I can. I wanted to share my new favorite and go-to iced drink […]

coffee spring starbucks

Spring Drinks to Try

With the weather getting warmer and the sun staying out longer, you may need to switch up or add some spice to the drinks you usually get.  Whether it’s coffee or not, there’s no harm in change.  I’ve decided to share some springy ‘secret menu’ drinks to order for your next trip to Starbucks! This […]